Tired of opening your hall closet and seeing a rumpled pile of clean towels, or toiletry items? Use our tips below to organize your linen closets in no time.
Towels & Sheets –
Everyone has their preferred method of how they fold towels and sheets. While getting family to help fold and put away laundry can be helpful, it can also make a closet look somewhat messy due to different folding techniques. Try to utilize consistent folding for items so they line up well and stack neatly on shelves. Turn it into a learning experience for kids so they can still help with the laundry and keep things looking neat at the same time.
Group Similar Items –
Try to keep similar items together such as sheets on the top shelf, bathroom towels and washcloths on 2nd and 3rd shelves and larger beach towels on the 4th shelf or similar. That way you know where to look quickly for a specific set of sheets or a particular beach towel you may want to grab for that pool party at your friend’s house.
Contain Items –
Have extra shampoo, toiletry items and band-aids tossed on shelves? Pick up a few baskets or containers from a discount or home store and organize like items together. Remember to discard any expired products and if necessary, wash bottles off to remove any grime or dust. Consider separate baskets for toiletries, first aid items and over the counter medications for children vs. adults. Place baskets on various shelves for ease of use and to provide a visual break in combination with the folded items. Using bins to organize products helps family members and guests easily see and grab what they need.
Bathroom Tissue –
Always keep plenty of bathroom tissue on hand. Few things are as concerning when it comes to the bathroom as realizing you just ran out of toilet paper. Keep extra tissue within easy reach either in a bathroom cabinet, or out in the open by using a basket on the floor near the toilet. This way guests can easily grab a new roll when necessary.
Keep Cleaning Products Handy –
It’s a good idea to keep a few cleaning items handy as well. You can use a carry caddy and place it on the floor of the linen closet, or in a bathroom cabinet, with a few handy items. Consider Clorox wipes for quick and easy clean ups, a bottle of toilet cleaner and a nearby toilet brush. This will make it easier for you when doing bathroom cleanups and will also make it easy for guests if they need to clean up after a child, or do a quick clean after staying in your home as a guest.
You can duplicate these same techniques for clothing closets, office storage and the kitchen pantry. Knowing right where to go for a necessary item keeps you efficient and removes the frustration of searching for something you know is there “somewhere.”
As always, if you need assistance getting your home clean, request an estimate today!